A Truly Wired Experiment - Day 4

First of all, sorry guys for not updating yesterday. I was actually doing my homework, but its still not a great number : only 3 hours.

Today, I did 1 hour. Why? Because its Friday. Because tomorrow my family is coming to my house so I had to help clean. Because today is Diwali and I went to the Gurdwara and then lots of fireworks. Who wants to do homework on a day like this?

So, I realized yesterday that without Facebook, I feel a small nagging sense of isolation from the rest of the world.. I don't know what everyone else is doing!!

Also, I realized it was a reflex. I started up FireFox and I automatically typed in "Facebook" in the google toolbar and clicked on the link. A few seconds later, my senses caught up to me and I was like: Why am I here? And, although I don't use the extra time to do any homework, I know I save an extra 20-30 minutes every time I would've logged in but I didn't. I use that time to go on Yahoo Answers and I even cleaned my room.

I am happy because I have a 4-day weekend (YAY). Thank you UofT for giving me a reading week of two days to catch up on the month's work I'm behind in...it was very generous of you (not..why can't you make it a week like everyone else?).



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