Perfection and Time

It's the most wonderful time of the year.... cue Staples commercial. In three weeks, I'm going back to UofT for my third year. :|  2 more years until I enter real life...unless I get into med or pharm.

Its time to start taking things seriously, especially my time. You have no idea how much I waste time...I think one of the reasons I waste so much is that I don't know what to do with it. Yes, I should study. But study what and how? Whenever I start to study, I start thinking "there must be a more efficient way to do this" or "I'm doing this wrong". Then I give up. Yes, I am a perfectionist. The sickness that helped me so much during high school is killing me in university.

In high school, there was always time to focus on the nitty gritty details so one could always get every last mark. In university however, time is like a fluid slipping through my hands. I spend more time worrying how I can save it than actually utilizing the time I have. After 2 years, you would think I learned how to manage my time. No and my dismal GPA reflects it. Well, if I haven't put much work into my schoolwork, I must have good extracurriculars and a great social life, right? Wrong. I was so worried about studying that I disallowed myself from doing anything else.

I read a blog where they suggested make a list of stuff you accomplished every year. I made one and realized that I wasted YEARS of my life. A year is a significant amount of time, and to not accomplish much in that span of time is horrible. You should try it - this list will really open your eyes.

This year, I will not allow perfectionism to rob me of my time and life. This year will be different...but not perfect.


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